Saturday, August 16, 2014

More Kitchen Shelving!

Mick didn't stop with the pantry shelves or the spice and tea racks, both projects which I had assumed would happen a few more years down the road, if ever.
Our newest set of shelves includes a wine rack, which holds 24 bottles.  We went on a bit of a shopping spree to fill up the wine rack.
It is now such a lovely place to work (especially when the countertop is cleaned off)!

The Great Pig Escape

We were enjoying a lovely wet day in the cabin when we noticed some pig noises awfully close to the house.  We looked outside the window and, sure enough...
...there was Amos!

Fortunately, the pigs are well-trained to concentrated feed, so Amos dutifully followed Mick (well, technically he followed the feed scoop which Mick happened to be carrying) back to the pen from which he had escaped.

Mick speculated that the wet weather softened the soil, which inspired the pigs' rooting instincts.

Virginia had not escaped, but she enjoyed some of the concentrate bait as Amos rejoined her.

Meanwhile, a bit further down the hill...
...Susie was out for an explore!

She also is trained to concentrate, and I didn't even need any food to lure her back homeward.

Closer to the cabin, we picked up a couple of her stray piglets.

Yarrow particularly liked rounding up the piglets.

Martha helped round up the last straggler piglet.  She was heading him off in the correct direction when he decided to hide in the grass.

A bit more coaxing, and the whole family was back together.

What an adventure! :)

Yarrow and Her Family

Waiting patiently to come inside.

Yarrow cleans up the floor while Gerard tries to escape.

Always investigating!

Maynar and Yarrow enjoy the fire.

Napping with Papa.